Easy English Versions

Easy English is an accessible format that uses images, everyday words and simple sentences to help readers understand the information.

These resources have been produced to make our information accessible to everyone, especially people who have a disability or where English is an additional language. Ideally a support person would assist the reader to read, understand and make decisions about this information.


Bushfire Safety

a map area with land, sea, roads and three flame icons on different parts of the map    Bushfire Risk Areas (PDF 2.3MB)

The fire danger ratings sign, a semi-circle divided into four wedges of different colours each with a word to indicate the fire danger rating, green Moderate, yellow High, orange Extreme, red Catastrophic. a pointer in the form of an arrow is indicating a fire danger rating of high in the yellow.    Fire Danger Ratings (PDF 2.1MB)

a simple graphic of a house with a woman walking away from the house to the left carrying a suitcase    Leave early before a bushfire starts (PDF 2.5MB)

A simple graphic of a house with a lady with her hands at the ready    Get ready for bushfire (PDF 2.2MB)

simple graphic representation of a dog sitting, goldfish in a bowl, parrot on a perch a backpack and checklist    Get your pets ready (PDF 1.6MB)

A blue backpack type bag surrounded by items indicating a list of emergency telephone numbers, a first aid kit, and some simple food items like an apple, wedge of chees and a sandwich (PDF 1.9MB)   Bushfire emergency kits (PDF 1.9MB)

A simple graphic image of a woman holding a document with the international symbol for information on it    Check bushfire information (PDF 2.9MB)

Simple graphic of a landscape with a grassy area adjoining different kinds of trees with fire in the foreground and in the distance    What happens in a bushfire (PDF 1.9MB)

a simple graphic of a house with a large flame next to it    Stay safe in your house in a bushfire (PDF 1.5MB)

simple graphic of a car  with an arrow pointing to the left and a large flame behind the car to its right    Stay safe in your car in a bushfire (PDF 1.6MB)

Home Fire Safety

Simple graphic representation of a female fire fighter wearing a helmet next to a family consisting of a man and woman, each holding the hand of a boy and girl. The family are all wearing different coloured clothes.     Home Fire Safety (PDF 5MB)


simple graphic representation of a smoke alarm. It's light grey in colour with a hush button in the middle and a red led light and slots for speaker sound.     Smoke Alarms (PDF 2.4MB)


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Page last updated:  Friday, 21 June 2024 10:33:27 AM