Be as ready as you can be this fire season and take part in CFA's most comprehensive bushfire safety program.

If you are passionate about keeping your home and your family safe, and can get together with your neighbours or other locals from around your area, then Community Fireguard is for you. This program is available for residents in high risk bush or grass fire areas, and is designed to help you:
- Plan for a range of scenarios
- Make informed decisions when it counts
- Maintain a fire smart house and garden
- Work together with your community to reduce everyone's bushfire risk
Getting started
Contact your CFA Region headquarters and ask for the Community Education Coordinator.
It only takes one person to get the ball rolling!
How does community fireguard work?
- The program contains around eight hours of material (including group discussion and hands on activities) that can usually be covered in four to six sessions.
- CFA fire safety specialists work with your group to keep things on track and make sure all the important information is covered
- Meetings are held in people’s homes, at a time that's most convenient for the group - usually on weekends or in the evening.
- CFA also offers a practical "Stay and Defend" workshop as part of Community Fireguard - this is optional (but recommended) for anyone considering defending their home.
Page last updated: Friday, 27 January 2023 2:19:41 PM