Our Vision
Victorian communities are prepared for and safe from fire
This is our ultimate end state, and our mission and strategy are how we will deliver on this vision. It reflects our broad reach across the state and our focus on empowering communities to understand and address their fire risk.
Our Mission
To protect lives and property
Our mission has been constant for decades.
It drives how our members operate and it underpins all of their work in:
- fire prevention and preparedness activities
- responding to fire and other emergencies.
Our Values
Safety - Teamwork - Adaptable - Integrity - Respect
Our values underpin how we work. They highlight the behaviours we see as important to demonstrate to one another, the wider sector and the Victorian community.
Click here to find out more.
Our Strategic Goals

We put the community at the centre of everything we do
1.1 The community has confidence in our advice and services
1.2 The community is educated, engaged and empowered to
manage its fire risk
1.3 The community changes its behaviour to manage their fire risk
We provide a great place to volunteer and work
3.1 Our workplace is safe
3.2 We have a volunteer and paid workforce that reflects the community it serves
3.3 We uphold the CFA values and are held accountable for our behaviour
3.4 Our volunteer and paid workforce is appropriately skilled, resourced and empowered and is continually learning
We provide programs and services that make a positive difference
2.1 Fires are prevented
2.2 Fires are suppressed quickly and effectively
2.3 Fires are less harmful to the community
2.4 There are zero fire related fatalities or injuries in the community
We are a progressive emergency service
4.1 Our investment decisions are transparent and achieve the greatest possible impact
4.2 Our corporate governance arrangements are based on evidence and evaluation to maximise the benefits for our people and our community
4.3 We collaborate with Fire Rescue Victoria and other service delivery partners to promote interoperability and build stronger relationships that lead to better community outcomes
4.4 We work with Emergency Management Victoria and other government departments and agencies to support government objectives and emergency management reform
4.5 Our service delivery and corporate performance is continuously improving
Our Community, Our CFA
The CFA Strategy and Outcomes Framework 2020-30 (PDF 759.1KB) sets out a strong ten-year pathway for our organisation and makes clear our ongoing commitment to build and maintain a sustainable and effective volunteer-based, community-centred emergency service.
The Strategy was developed with our members and reinforces our focus on volunteerism and our strong commitment to the following four strategic goals:
- We put the community at the centre of everything we do
- We deliver programs and services that make a positive difference
- We provide a great place to volunteer and work
- We are a progressive emergency service
Our Outcomes Framework is used to measure our progress against our strategic goals. We report quarterly on our progress against the metrics defined in the Outcomes Framework.
These reports are provided to the Fire Services Implementation Monitor (FSIM) and along with quarterly reports from Fire Rescue Victoria (FRV) inform FSIM quarterly reports which are available publicly.
CFA Year Five Outcomes Framework
Legislative Requirements
Section 140 of the Firefighters' Presumptive Rights Compensation and Fire Services Legislation Amendment (Reform) Act 2019 (the Act) required CFA and FRV to each, by 1 August 2020, prepare and publish an outcomes framework setting out:
- outcomes-based fire services performance measures
- such other matters as are prescribed by the regulations.
Section 140 of the Act also requires the CFA Chief Officer and the Fire Rescue Commissioner to provide a quarterly update to the Implementation Monitor setting out performance against the measures in the Outcomes Framework.
Section 141 of the Act requires the Implementation Monitor to prepare a quarterly report setting out the agencies' quarterly updates, the supporting data relied on and any other information he or she considers relevant (including accuracy of supporting data). The Implementation Monitor must publish the quarterly report within 30 days of receiving the agency’s quarterly update.
Page last updated: Wednesday, 20 September 2023 2:05:57 PM