Recommendation 7

Recommendation 7: Increase diversity and inclusion across all levels: recruit, retain and create a safe environment for all its members comprehensive, accessible and regularly checked to ensure they are working well


7.1 Bringing a strategic approach to its diversity and inclusion programs, that is consistently understood across Victoria. The approach needs to clearly identify where the requirements and accountabilities for the success lie and include clear outcomes that are built into reporting, performance development plans and inform training and engagement
7.1.1 Finalise development of D&I Strategy
7.1.2 Develop a D&I Communication and Engagement Plan that identifies targeted, appropriately timed messages and delivery channels. Ensure activities are coordinated across regions and districts
7.1.3 Continue to support CFA recognised D&I awareness days with a rotating schedule of events highlighting each diversity area and featuring visible leadership support
7.1.4 Embed D&I material into existing development programs including induction and leadership development
7.1.5 Embed diversity and inclusion statement into the Volunteer Recruitment Process to ensure we are communicating our commitment to a safe and inclusive culture and our expectation that members will behave in accordance with our values
7.1.6 Diversity and inclusion KPIs inserted into performance plans of leaders and achievement rates are monitored and reported on annually to Executive and Board
7.1.7 Provide D&I training for all CFA people leaders to address unconscious bias and increase knowledge of inclusive practices
7.2 Encouraging districts to develop localised approaches to support diversity and inclusion, including mechanisms such as diversity and inclusion sub-groups, local community engagement and awareness activities with schools and other emergency services, investment in youth and common understandings of the safety requirements for young people, including compliance with Child Safety Standards such as Working with Children Checks
7.2.1 Ensure D&I Framework and actions are incorporated into District, Region, and Department and Portfolio business plans and there is congruence and interconnectedness between these
7.2.2 Create D&I Standards and incorporate into Brigade Inspection Processes to encourage regular review
7.2.3 Diversity and Inclusion Council representative to be included in District Planning Committees
7.3 Encouraging diversity at the leadership level, with clear targets relating to diversity and inclusion for professional, technical and administrative (PTA) staff and suggested approaches for BMT and Group Officers which highlight and celebrate success and positive outcomes
7.3.1 Continue to deliver and further develop Captains Mentoring, Women’s Challenge Camps, Women's Captain Forum and Women's Leadership Mentoring programs
7.3.2 Use community profile data to establish baseline and targets for improving diversity and introduce quarterly reporting on diversity and inclusion data to Executive Committee and Board
7.4 Ensuring that the principles of the Gender Equality Action Plan are incorporated and underpin the Diversity and Inclusion Plan
7.4.1 Review GEAP and D&I Framework and Action Plans to ensure GEAP and D&I Framework and Implementation Plan are aligned and that the D&I Framework builds on the GEAP
7.4.2 Work with Commissioner for Gender Equality in the Public Sector to undertake a gender equality audit with volunteer data to further identify gaps and opportunities