Statutory planning subdivision

Subdivision proposals often increase the number of people who could live in a community. CFA recommends that subdivisions are designed appropriately to consider bushfire hazard and emergency access.


Good subdivision design is an effective way of passively reducing risk in the event of an emergency.

The following resource offer guidance on good subdivision design:

Subdivision proposal with a statutory referral requirement

There are two categories of subdivisions where CFA has a statutory referral role in the planning process:

Subdivision in the Bushfire Management Overlay

All applications for subdivision in the Bushfire Management Overlay are referred to CFA.

Subdivisions that do not meet the water and access requirements specified in Rescode

CFA has a role in ensuring that emergency access and water supply is available for new communities. The majority of subdivisions will meet the requirements at Clause 56.09 of the planning scheme.

If the requirements are not met, Council will refer the application to CFA for advice.

Application for CFA consent to grant Statement of Compliance

 Applications for Statement of Compliance (see form in related resources) should be submitted with the required supporting documentation, hydrant location plan and a copy of the planning permit referencing CFA conditions to the Fire Safety Referral administration team email at

Other subdivision proposals

There are a number of subdivisions that don't need to be referred to CFA for comment. In these circumstances CFA still has some interest given our role in responding to emergencies in new communities.

Multi-unit proposals (preceding or following subdivision proposal)

Multi-unit proposals often involve the creation of common property access into the development. CFA recommends that access and water supply for multi-unit proposals are consistent with the requirements at Clause 56.09 of the planning scheme.

Fact Sheets

Cover Title and description

CFA Fact Sheet - Planning requirements for multi-dwelling developments (pdf 394.7KB)

Outlines CFA's expectation for emergency vehicle access and fire hydrant requirements in multi-dwelling developments (two or more dwellings on a lot)



Page last updated:  Tuesday, 11 February 2025 1:58:34 PM