Bushfire Basics

Am I at Risk?

By recognising and understanding your risk environment this will also help you to start preparing your property for fire and know what to do.

Visit page: Am I at Risk?

How Fire Behaves

Understand how fire behaves: learn how terrain, vegetation, weather conditions, temperature, and wind contribute to the risk of bushfires.

Visit page: How Fire Behaves

Radiant Heat

Radiant heat is the heat you feel from a fire. It is the biggest killer in a fire. The best protection is distance.

Visit page: Radiant Heat

Grassfires - Rural

Grassfires can start and spread quickly, especially on days when the Fire Danger Rating is Extreme or Catastrophic.

Visit page: Grassfires - Rural

Grassfires - Near Cities and Towns

If you live or work on the outskirts of a city or town, you might be next to grassland, parks, paddocks or bush.

Visit page: Grassfires - Near Cities and Towns


Unattended campfires, and campfires that haven't been extinguished properly can turn into bushfires.

Visit page: Campfires



Page last updated:  Tuesday, 1 October 2024 4:34:35 PM