Fiskville Redress Document Request Form

CFA and the Department of Justice and Community Safety (DJCS) have worked together to streamline access to information to support your application for the Fiskville Redress Scheme (FRS). As such you do not need to separately request supporting documentation from CFA to show your involvement with Fiskville. Once you submit your application, the FRS team will make contact and talk with you about your time at Fiskville and what (if any) documentation you already have to support your submission. If they need additional information, they will ask you to sign an authority which will give them permission to ask us for what ever information they need to support your application. The authority will be provided to us, to show that you also give us permission to provide that documentation to them.

Due to this streamlined process, you no longer need to request information direct from CFA.

However, if you still wish to obtain documentation, for your own files, you can request that through the following form. Requests for access to supporting documentation regarding your attendance, work, training or living at Fiskville, although being processed by the FOI & Privacy Unit, will have no fees incurred relating to location and provision of the documents.

Please note, however, if you choose to request access to documents beyond Fiskville related matters (depending upon the number of documents located) fees for copying of those pages may apply.


Personal documentation request form

If you are applying on behalf of someone else, please provide a written authority from them for CFA to release the information to you, or if you are applying on behalf of someone who has passed away, please confirm your relationship with that person, ie to prove next of kin


Documents you are requesting

Information requested: To assist CFA in locating specific documentation it is important that you describe in detail the supporting documentation you are seeking, relating to the involvement with Fiskville - it will assist us to know in which way you/the person who was involved with Fiskville ie. Lived, worked, trained, a combination of these or just visited. As such, if possible, please confirm the approximate dates:


Have you lodged an application with the Fiskville Redress Scheme and been advised that this is the documentation required?* - required
Fiskville involvement:
Lived at Fiskville
Worked at Fiskville
Trained at Fiskville
Visited Fiskville
If a document has exemptions, which are required to be redacted out, please confirm you will accept a redacted version:


Collection statement

The CFA Freedom of Information and Privacy Unit, is collecting this information for the purpose of being able to locate documents relevant to your involvement with Fiskville. Your information is collected into CFA’s Content Management System (CMS), for the purpose of this online form, and then directly forwarded to the unit for recording and processing in accordance with the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 and the Victorian Freedom of Information Act 1982 (the Act). If you wish to amend or update any information collected and stored by the unit, please contact or however if you wish to update/amend the core information input online, using this form, you will need to contact

Only authorised Administrators of the CMS can access the data you input on line. The FOI and Privacy Staff at CFA will have full access to the data, you have submitted, and will use that data for the purpose a processing your request in line with the requirements of the Act and to locate the documents you require. Any additional disclosure, of your information, will be solely for the purpose of reporting pertaining to the Fiskville Redress Scheme or where required by law. It is not mandatory for you to complete this form, however without the information CFA will not be in able to assist you in locating the documentation you need for the purpose of the Fiskville Redress Scheme.

Mandatory field(s) marked with *




Page last updated:  Tuesday, 5 March 2024 1:40:04 PM