
The procurement of goods and services by CFA aligns to the Victorian Government Purchasing Board (VGPB) policies and directives established under the Financial Management Act 1994.

CFA is aligning to the supply policies as part of the VGPB expansion program to ensure greater consistency in procurement practice across government. Information on the expansion program and what it means for our suppliers is available on the Buying for Victoria website.

Procurement Principles

CFA’s procurement function supports procurement practice that:

  • acts with integrity
  • is seen by the public as fair, transparent and equitable
  • is responsive to ethical, sustainable and social responsibility
  • will deliver economic, effective and efficient procurement
  • drives innovation
  • offers value for money outcomes

Ethical Procurement

We are committed to ethical procurement and all our suppliers must comply with the Victorian State Government Supplier Code of Conduct.

Social Procurement

The Victorian Government is committed to social procurement. The Social Procurement Framework enables departments and agencies to deliver greater benefits from their procurement spend.

The policy harnesses the government’s buying power to increase the value of goods, services and construction by delivering social and sustainable outcomes that benefit all Victorians.

Local Jobs First

The Victorian Government is committed to putting local businesses and workers first.

The Local Jobs First Policy ensures government supports Victorian businesses and workers by mandating that small and medium-sized enterprises are given full and fair opportunity to compete for government contracts of all sizes and types.

The policy applies to all projects valued at $1m or more delivered in regional Victoria and $3m or more for Melbourne-based or state-wide projects.

Procurement Opportunities

CFA publishes open approaches to market on the Buying for Victoria Supplier Portal. Find new opportunities on the Buying for Victoria website.

Procurement Activity Plan (PAP) Register

The Procurement Activity Plan will be updated annually and published via the available link below.

This forecast Procurement Activity plan is prepared in line with the Victorian Government Purchasing Board's procurement governance framework policy. Under this policy CFA is required to publish a high-level summary plan of forecast procurement activities to be conducted over the next 12 months. The Quarters (Q) mentioned in the tables relate to the financial year.

Please note that:

  • tenders will not be released on this website. All tenders will be issued on the Victorian Government Tenders System. Suppliers interested in participating in any of the public procurement activities should register and regularly monitor the Buying for Victoria - Supplier Portal website.
  • the date listed in the procurement activity plan is when CFA is commencing its preparations for the procurement activity and the actual tender release date may be some time after the date listed.
  • all planned procurement activities are subject to revision or cancellation. The information in the forward procurement activity plan is provided for information purposes only and does not represent a solicitation or invitation to supply, or a commitment by CFA to purchase. There is no obligation to respond to or return any unsolicited bids received.

2023 - 2024 Forward Procurement Activity Plan (PDF 182KB)

Supply of Goods and/or provision of Services

CFA Purchase Orders will incorporate the terms and conditions of the Head Agreement (if any), including all schedules and annexures, under which it was raised.

If a Purchase Order for the supply of Goods and/or provision of Services was not raised under a Head Agreement, CFA’s General Conditions will apply and its terms and conditions will prevail in the event and to the extent of any inconsistency with the Purchase Order.


Previous versions 

Making a procurement complaint

CFA places a high level of importance on the way it conducts procurement processes and how it interacts with the market.

If you would like to express a concern about a procurement process or probity matter, it is best to raise it first with the relevant procurement activity contact you are dealing with. Most issues are the result of misunderstanding or process error and can be rectified quickly and easily.

If the issue or concern cannot be resolved, a written complaint (letter or email) can be lodged with CFA’s Chief Procurement Officer within one month (30 days) of the grounds for the complaint being known to the supplier:

Chief Procurement Officer
PO Box 701
Mount Waverley, Victoria 3151

The written complaint must set out:

  • The procurement reference number (if known);
  • The contact details of the person making the complaint (name, supplier business name, ABN, address, phone and email)
  • the basis for the complaint (specifying the issues involved);
  • how the subject of the complaint (and the specific issues) affects the person or organisation making the complaint;
  • Any relevant background information: documents or evidence to support your complaint (PDF, DOC, DOCX, JPG, PNG - maximum file size 5MB); and
  • the outcome desired by the person or organisation making the complaint.

Within five (5) working days of receiving the complaint, CFA will acknowledge receipt of the complaint. The acknowledgement will include:

  • A contact person;
  • The process to be taken by CFA; and
  • The approximate timeline to address the matter.

The length of time it takes for CFA to investigate and respond to a complaint will depend on the nature and complexity of the issues involved (generally within 20 working days). The complainant will be kept informed of progress with the investigation until the matter is finalised.

  • The response may include the particulars of an investigation, findings or decisions reached and any outcomes, remedies or action proposed.
  • In some instances, CFA may have limitations on the extent of the information that can be provided to complainants for example, to protect personal privacy.

For all complaints, if the outcome has been deemed acceptable, CFA will close the matter and consider it resolved.

  • Should the findings and action taken by CFA not resolve the matter to the satisfaction of the complainant , the complainant can choose to pursue the matter further with the Victorian Government Purchasing Board (VGPB), or may reach out to the Australian Government Procurement Coordinator or Commonwealth Ombudsman.
  • Upon receiving any request for complaint escalation, CFA will inform the VGPB within five (5) working days. Note: To review a complaint, the VGPB requires certain information as listed in section 4.1.1 of the Governance - goods and services policy.




Page last updated:  Thursday, 16 May 2024 12:05:50 PM