English as Additional Language

CFA's Fired Up English is a fire safety resource for English as Additional Language (EAL) students. It is intended to be used by EAL teachers to support adult learning about fire safety and English.

There are 12 lessons altogether with resources for both 0-1 level English students and 2-4 level English students. CFA presenters or brigade members may be available to support some lesson content throughout the program.

The lessons do not need to be delivered in order, nor does every lesson need to be delivered. Each lesson plan includes a range of activities that complement the session topic and it is up to the teacher (or CFA presenter) to choose an activity that best suits the level of English and interests of each class.

Choose a topic and a lesson for your class

Part 1 - Understanding CFA

Teacher resources on understanding CFA. Covers topics on Who is CFA and Fire Science and the Fire Triangle.

Part 2 - Home Fire Safety

Teacher resources on home fire safety. Covers home fire dangers, smoke alarms, escape plans, calling 000, cooking and fire blankets

Part 3 - Outdoor Fire Safety

Teacher resources on outdoor fire safety. Covers BBQ safety, bushfires and grassfires, fire danger ratings, total fire bans and preparing your property

Chisholm Institute

Chisholm Institute logoChisholm Institute provided subject matter expertise in relation to EAL teaching requirements, lesson content, lesson topics and activities.

CFA would like to thank Chisholm Institute and the EAL teachers who gave valuable feedback and suggestions during the development of the resource in 2018.

If you would like to provide feedback about the program content or want some advice please email the CFA Community Engagement Team - communityprograms@cfa.vic.gov.au

Copyright CFA 2019.




Page last updated:  Tuesday, 15 October 2024 12:16:21 PM