About Total Fire Bans

Total Fire Bans are declared by CFA's Chief Officer on days of heightened fire danger to reduce the risk of a fire starting.

As well as the Fire Danger Rating, the Chief Officer also considers other factors such as current fires in the landscape, resource commitment and increased likelihood for human and lightning induced fires when declaring Total Fire Bans.

Therefore, CFA might declare a Total Fire Ban for areas that have not reached an 'Extreme' Fire Danger Rating.

Anyone who breaches a Total Fire Ban declaration is subject to heavy legal penalties including large fines and even imprisonment.

Find out what you can and can't do on days of Total Fire Ban - select Total Fire Ban on the page.

The Total Fire Ban logo will display on the relevant fire districts on the fire danger forecast maps when declared.

Total Fire Ban logo

See Bans and Ratings FAQs for more information.



Page last updated:  Thursday, 13 March 2025 3:33:02 PM