Aviation – Air Attack Supervisor Kelly Krajnc,
District 13 Headquarters Brigade
Kelly Krajnc’s daytime job is a brigade
administrative support officer for CFA. But
she is also a CFA volunteer with District 13
Headquarters Brigade and an air attack
Kelly coordinates the firebombing aircraft
from a fixed wing aircraft or helicopter. She was
previously an air observer and flew over many
fires to gain the experience needed to become
an air attack supervisor.
“Being an air attack supervisor is very similar
to being a crew leader except my trucks have a
big bucket or belly tank,” Kelly said.
“I feel proud to be the first female air attack
supervisor in CFA. I was really lucky to have
some mentors who took me under their wings.
“What I love most about this role is working
with waterbombing pilots. They get so close to
the fire and do some amazing work that I didn’t
know was possible.
“When a fire has been reduced or put out
altogether, it’s really rewarding.
In the future, after increasing her skills and
experience, Kelly would like to mentor air attack

Female Driving Instructor – 2nd Lieutenant
Kate Lamble, Kangaroo Ground Fire Brigade
We’re one of the first in the Australian fire
services to have purpose-built driver training
trucks for our volunteers to use for driver training.
Driver training courses are important for future
capability in brigades because they ensure our
drivers operate safely in high-risk environments
whilst protecting Victorian communities.
CFA recently offered the first women-only
Driver Educator Course, which six women have
successfully completed.
“CFA has such a strong representation of
women, and I hope we can encourage more of
them to take on these challenges,” Kate said.
“My motto is you can’t be what you can’t see.
If we want more women to do these things, we
need to show women we can do it and we need
to get women out there doing it.
“I want to help break down those barriers
and empower women to become CFA truck
drivers and educators, creating a more equal
representation across the organisation.”

Oscar 1 – 1st Lieutenant Karl Shay
Active since 1999, CFA’s Oscar 1 Emergency
Response Mine Rescue Brigade is a specialist
brigade for a unique part of Victoria. Members
of this brigade need disciplined skills to perform
the role.
Oscar 1 members train weekly and aim to
have a monthly session that replicates real
rescue situations.
“The part of central Victoria that includes
Stawell, Bendigo and Ballarat is called the
Golden Triangle, and was built on mining,” Karl
said. “There are thousands of mines around the
area that are unmarked, and people and animals
can fall in. What we’re finding is a lot of the mines
had to be capped, and they were capped with
old timbers.
“So, of course, they rot out over time and
become a big hole again. With a thriving
mining industry still active in the area, as well
as unmarked mines dotted throughout the
landscape, the need for specialist mine rescue
skills is evident.
“You have underground firefighting and
road crash rescue with one of the biggest risks
underground being vehicle interaction between
large vehicles and potentially light vehicles.
You also have rope rescue, confined space
rescue, as well as grain engulfment. We train for
all of these.”

Musa Kilinc – CFA Headquarters
Musa Kilinc is a Predictive Services Specialist
in the Fire Risk, Research and Community
Preparedness team.
“As a Predictive Services Specialist and Fire
Behaviour Analyst (FBAN) at CFA, my role is
all about understanding and forecasting fire
behaviour and working with people to make
informed decisions,” Musa said.
“I’ve been at CFA for 10 years now, and I
have been drawn to combining science and
operational practice to assess bushfire risk.
“My role is quite diverse, and some label it as
‘special ops’ as it blends experimentation with
trying to answer critical fire management roles.
Whether that means determining how severe
our bushfire season is likely to be, to what makes
an effective waterbombing drop, to when wet
forests will become ignitable.
“While research, models and simulators
help, some of the best insights I’ve ever had
have come from talking to people, be it, those
on the fireground, experienced practitioners,
meteorologists, researchers, or incident, regional
or state controllers.
“I’m still learning about emergency
management, but what I love most about what
I do is talking to people, understanding their
needs and trying to help them.”