Fire Safety

CFA has a range of fire safety publications that can help you plan and prepare for fires during the year. These resources provide you with information and guidance on a variety of important fire safety situations.

Please select from one of the topics below:

Can I or Can't I?

Brochures outlining what you can and can't do during the Fire Danger Period and on Total Fire Ban days, when open-air fires are legally restricted.

Find out more on the Can I or Can’t I page.

Can I travel? (pdf 179.2KB)

You can travel in the fire danger period but make sure you check weather conditions and fire risks first.

Can I travel? (pdf 179.2KB) 

Published:  12 Sep 2023

Can I perform hot works? (pdf 211.8KB)

On days when fires will spread quickly and be difficult to control, CFA restricts what hot works you can and can’t do.

Can I perform hot works? (pdf 211.8KB) 

Published:  12 Sep 2023

Can I light a campfire? (pdf 232.6KB)

Advice on lighting a campfire during Fire Danger Period and days of Total Fire Ban.

Can I light a campfire? (pdf 232.6KB) 

Published:  12 Sep 2023

Can I barbecue? (pdf 227.7KB)

The use of a barbeque or lighting a fire for cooking outdoors during Fire Danger Period and days of Total Fire Ban.

Can I barbecue? (pdf 227.7KB) 

Published:  12 Sep 2023

The difference between Fire Danger Period and Total Fire Ban (pdf 347.1KB)

Fire danger periods, Fire Danger Ratings, Warnings and Total Fire Bans - what do they mean?

The difference between Fire Danger Period and Total Fire Ban (pdf 347.1KB) 

Published:  12 Sep 2023

Can I burn off? (pdf 199.1KB)

On days when fires will spread quickly and be difficult to control, CFA restricts what you can and can’t do when burning off.

Can I burn off? (pdf 199.1KB) 

Published:  12 Sep 2023

Can I or Can't I? (pdf 1.5MB)

Explains fire restrictions for Total Fire Ban days and during the Fire Danger Period.

Can I or Can't I? (pdf 1.5MB) 

Published:  11 Oct 2021

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Bushfire Safety

Find fact sheets on planned burning, looking after horses and pets, leaving early, writing your Fire Ready Kit, and staying safe in a bushfire. Use these resources to learn how to be prepared and stay safe.

Find out more on the Plan and Prepare section.

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Farm Fire Safety

Factsheets give simple tips to help you prevent haystack and harvester fires, and managing farm work safely. You can also learn how to protect your livestock and follow grain harvesting rules to reduce fire risks.

Find out more on our Farm fire safety section.

On the Land - Agricultural Fire Management Guidelines (pdf 1.8MB)

On the Land is an important resource for farmers, land and plantation owners or managers, bush block owners, rural educators, government and industry. It is especially valuable for landholders in the process of property planning, or for those who are ...

On the Land - Agricultural Fire Management Guidelines (pdf 1.8MB) 

Published:  28 Apr 2023

Voluntary Grain Harvesting Guide (pdf 162.8KB)

This guide applies to all grain harvesting and grain handling operations that occur "in the paddock", including operation of grain harvesters, operation of vehicles involved in transporting grain, grain dryers and grain augers. (2022) & ...

Voluntary Grain Harvesting Guide (pdf 162.8KB) 

Published:  19 Oct 2022

Livestock and Fires (pdf 1.5MB)

Tips on how farmers can consider their livestock when developing a bushfire plan. What do do with livestock before, during and after a fire. This document has been tagged for screen readers.

Livestock and Fires (pdf 1.5MB) 

Published:  18 Oct 2022

Preventing Harvest Fires (pdf 749.5KB)

Advice on how to prevent harvester (header) fires. This document has been tagged for screen readers.

Preventing Harvest Fires (pdf 749.5KB) 

Published:  18 Oct 2022

Preventing Haystack Fires (pdf 799.6KB)

Learn what causes haystack fires, how to minimise the risk of haystack fires and protect your assets, and what to do if hay is heating. This document is tagged for screen readers.

Preventing Haystack Fires (pdf 799.6KB) 

Published:  18 Oct 2022

Your Guide to Farm Fire Safety (pdf 8.2MB)

Practical tips and suggestions for managing farm fire risk. Covers everything from land and fuel management to equipment maintenance and the protection of livestock and crops from fire. This document has been tagged for screen read ...

Your Guide to Farm Fire Safety (pdf 8.2MB) 

Published:  18 Oct 2022

Fire Danger Ratings

Brochures explaining Fire Danger Ratings (FDR) and how they assess the risk of a fire starting and spreading. Ratings are based on weather conditions such as temperature, wind, and vegetation dryness.

Find out more about fire bans, ratings and restrictions.

Poster - AFDRS First Nations (pdf 976.3KB)

Poster - AFDRS First Nations (pdf 976.3KB) 

Published:  28 Apr 2023

Factsheet - AFDRS First Nations (pdf 1.1MB)

Factsheet - AFDRS First Nations (pdf 1.1MB) 

Published:  28 Apr 2023

Fire Danger Ratings / Know Your District (pdf 148.6KB)

Fire Danger Ratings / Know Your District (pdf 148.6KB) 

Published:  29 Aug 2022

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Home Fire Safety

Explore our range of home fire safety publications, designed to help you protect your family and home. These resources cover essential topics like installing and maintaining smoke alarms, safe heating practices, creating a home fire escape plan, and kitchen fire safety tips.

Find out more about Fires in the home.

Smoke Alarm Brochure (PDF 3.4MB)

Smoke Alarm Brochure (PDF 3.4MB) 

Published:  7 Dec 2022

Smoke Alarms (pdf 597.2KB)

Smoke Alarms (pdf 597.2KB) 

Published:  1 May 2021

Smoke Alarm Ideographic (pdf 3.6MB)

Smoke Alarm Ideographic (pdf 3.6MB) 

Published:  1 Oct 2019

Candle, Oil Burner and Incense Safety (pdf 63.7KB)

Candle, Oil Burner and Incense Safety (pdf 63.7KB) 

Published:  1 Aug 2019

Electricity (pdf 90.9KB)

Electricity (pdf 90.9KB) 

Published:  1 Aug 2019

Fire Blankets (pdf 109KB)

Fire Blankets (pdf 109KB) 

Published:  1 Aug 2019

Heating (pdf 70.6KB)

Heating (pdf 70.6KB) 

Published:  1 Aug 2019

Home Fire Escape Plan (pdf 156.3KB)

Home Fire Escape Plan (pdf 156.3KB) 

Published:  1 Aug 2019

Home Security vs Fire Safety (pdf 45.7KB)

Home Security vs Fire Safety (pdf 45.7KB) 

Published:  1 Aug 2019

Kitchen Cooking (pdf 78.5KB)

Kitchen Cooking (pdf 78.5KB) 

Published:  1 Aug 2019

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Page last updated:  Wednesday, 26 March 2025 10:51:02 AM