Contacting CFA

CFA has a State headquarters and 5 Regions across Victoria. Within these Regions are 21 CFA Districts.

We recommend you contact your nearest District headquarters as a first point of contact.

You can also ring the VicEmergency Hotline on 1800 226 226 for bushfire information and advice. For Emergencies dial Triple 000

You can contact CFA Headquarters for enquiries relating to:

  • Fire safety
  • Volunteering
  • Fundraising, sponsorship and donations  
  • Kids and schools
  • Website feedback

Contact CFA Headquarters via email

CFA Districts as a map

Hover your mouse over each District headquarters pointer to see contact details for that District. Selecting a District headquarters will take you to the contact details.

VIC Created with Sketch. Legend Region or District Headquarters Regions South West (Districts 4,5,6,7) North East (Districts 12,13,22,23,24) South East (Districts 8,9,10,11,27) North West (Districts 2,14,18,20) West (Districts 15,16,17) Swan Hill 18 Kerang 20 Wodonga 24 Shepparton 22 Wangaratta 23 Horsham 17 Kangaroo Flat 02 Seymour 12 Ararat 16 Wendouree 15 Casterton 04 Melton 14 Chirnside Park 13 Bairnsdale 11 Hamilton 05 Dandenong 08 Morwell 27 Geelong Nth 07 Sale 10 Colac 06 Warragul 09 CFA HQ

*Find accessible contact details for districts below, as an alternative to the map.

Find your nearest CFA brigade

To find your nearest CFA brigade, zoom to your location using your mouse or enter your address, town or suburb name and select from the dropdown options. Zoom in or out using the '+' and '-' in the top left of the map. Click on the red 'F' fire brigade icons to see brigade details.

CFA Headquarters Contact

CFA Headquarters

Address: 8 Lakeside Drive, Burwood East, VIC Australia 3151
Postal Address: PO Box 701 Mount Waverley, VIC Australia 3149
Telephone: +61(3) 9262 8444
Fax: +61 (3) 9264 6200
Email: Use a contact form to send an enquiry regarding community programs, joining CFA or general enquiries.

Volunteer Recruitment - Find out how to volunteer

Fax: (03) 9262 8576

Freedom of Information


Privacy enquiries


South West Region Color  South West Region

District 4 Headquarters

Address: 147 Bahgallah Road Casterton, VIC 3311
Postal: PO Box 207 Casterton, VIC 3311
Phone: (03) 5554 3400
Fax: (03) 5581 2600

District 5 Headquarters

Address: 92-94 Coleraine Road & Mt Bainbridge Road Hamilton, VIC 3300
Postal: PO Box 389 Hamilton, VIC 3300
Phone:(03) 5551 1500
Fax: (03) 5551 1582

District 6 Headquarters

Address: 115 Bromfield Street Colac, VIC 3250
Postal: PO Box 298 Colac, VIC 3250
Phone: (03) 5232 5600
Fax: (03) 5231 1370

District 7 Headquarters

Address: 61-63 Separation Street North Geelong, VIC 3215
Postal: PO Box 586 North Geelong, VIC 3215
Phone: (03) 5240 2700
Fax: (03) 5277 1515

South East Region Color  South East Region

District 8 Headquarters

Address: Building G Level 2 45 Assembly Drive Dandenong South, VIC 3175
Postal: Same as above address
Phone: (03) 9767 1800
Fax: (03) 9767 1880

District 9 Headquarters

Address: 157 Queen Street Warragul, VIC 3820
Postal: PO Box 419 Warragul, VIC 3820
Phone: (03) 5624 1900
Fax: (03) 5623 6061

District 10 Headquarters

Address: Level 3 64-66 Foster Street Sale, VIC 3850
Postal: PO Box 1212, Sale, VIC 3850
Phone: (03) 5149 1000
Fax: (03) 5149 1083

District 11 Headquarters

Address: 130 Macleod Street Bairnsdale, VIC 3875
Postal: Same as above address
Phone: (03) 5153 7400
Fax: (03) 5152 5007

District 27 Headquarters

Address: 20 Hazelwood Road, Morwell, VIC 3840
Postal: PO Box 865, Morwell VIC 3840
Phone: (03) 5120 3700
Fax: (03) 5134 4689

North West Region Associated Color  North West Region

District 2 Headquarters

Address: 29 Lockwood Road, Kangaroo Flat, VIC 3555
Postal: PO BOX 1071, Kangaroo Flat,VIC 3555 
Phone: (03) 5430 2200
Fax: (03) 5442 2246

District 14 Headquarters

Address: 251 High Street Melton, VIC 3337
Postal: PO Box 50 Melton, VIC 3337
Phone: (03) 8746 1400
Fax: (03) 8746 1480

District 18 Headquarters

Address: 120 Curlewis Street Swan Hill, VIC 3585
Postal: PO Box 558 Swan Hill, VIC 3585
Phone: (03) 5036 2800
Fax: (03) 5036 2882

District 20 Headquarters

Address: 56 Fitzroy Street Kerang, VIC 3579
Postal: PO Box 152 Kerang, VIC 3579
Phone: (03) 5450 9400
Fax: (03) 5452 2531

West Region Associated Color  West Region

District 15 Headquarters

Address: 19 Learmonth Road Wendouree, VIC 3355
Postal: PO Box 242 Wendouree, VIC 3355
Phone: (03) 5329 5500
Fax: (03) 5329 5582

District 16 Headquarters

Address: 31 - 33 Baird Street Ararat, VIC 3377
Postal: PO Box 16 Ararat, VIC 3377
Phone: (03) 5352 9600
Fax: (03) 5352 5517

District 17 Headquarters

Address: 19 McLachlan Street Horsham, VIC 3400
Postal: PO Box 419 Horsham, VIC 3402
Phone: (03) 5362 1700
Fax: (03) 5382 2774

North East Region Associated Color  North East Region

District 12 Headquarters

Address: 39 McIntyre Street Seymour, VIC 3660
Postal: PO Box 369 Seymour, VIC 3661
Phone:(03) 5735 3100
Fax: (03) 5792 3266

District 13 Headquarters

Address: 272-274 Maroondah Hwy Chirnside Park VIC 3116
Postal: Same as above address
Phone: (03) 8739 1300
Fax: (03) 8739 1382

District 22 Headquarters

Address: 195-205 Numurkah Road Shepparton, VIC 3630
Postal: PO Box 932 Shepparton, VIC 3630
Phone: (03) 5833 2400
Fax: (03) 5833 2482

District 23 Headquarters

Address: 1 Ely Street Wangaratta, VIC 3677
Postal: PO Box 565 Wangaratta, VIC 3677
Phone: (03) 5720 2300
Fax: (03) 5721 3497

District 24 Headquarters

Address: 55 Moorefield Park Dve Wodonga, VIC 3690
Postal: Same as above address
Phone: (02) 6043 4400
Fax: (02) 6059 8250

Victorian Emergency Management Training Centres (VEMTCs)


Address: 808 Thompsons Road, Carrum Downs VIC 3201
Postal: Same as above address
Phone: (03) 8794 4900
Fax: (03) 8794 4982

Central Highlands

Address: 128 Ingliston Road Ballan, VIC 3342
Postal: PO Box 32 BALLAN, VIC 3342
Phone: (03) 5366 7300


Address: 29 Caellis Road, Huntly VIC 3551
Postal: PO Box 383, Huntly VIC 3551
Phone: 0438 768 141
Fax: (03) 5448 8157


Address: 38 West Road Longerenong VIC 3401
Postal: PO Box 203, Longerenong College Longerenong VIC 3401
Phone: 0447 838 617
Fax: (03) 5384 7413


Address: 14 Penshurst-Dunkeld Road, Penshurst VIC 3289
Postal: PO Box 80, Penshurst VIC 3289
Phone: 0400 438 529
Fax: (03) 5576 5263


Address: 659-681 Nineteenth Street, Mildura VIC 3500
Postal: PO Box 378 SM Mildura South VIC 3501
Phone: 0438 902 450


Address: Shaneley Street, Wangaratta South VIC 3678
Postal: PO Box 565 Wangaratta VIC 3676
Phone: (03) 5720 2305
Fax: (03) 5721 6597

West Sale

Address: Cowarr Road, Fulham VIC 3851
Postal: PO BOX 1212 SALE 3850
Phone: 0438 673 100
Fax: (03) 5143 1274

Craigieburn (Fire Rescue Victoria)

Address: 284 - 290 Hume Hwy, Craigieburn VIC 3064
Postal: Same as above address
Phone: (03) 03 9935 1789


Emergencies, Restrictions & Burn Offs

In an Emergency Dial 000

You must dial triple zero (000) in an emergency if you require the Fire Brigade, Police or Ambulance.

Current incidents and fire restrictions

For information about current incidents and fire restriction details see: Warnings & Restrictions or contact the VicEmergency Hotline: 1800 226 226.
Find out more about VicEmergency Hotline

NRS logoNational Relay Service (NRS)

If you are d/Deaf, hard of hearing, or have a speech/communication difficulty please contact us by:

  • Step 1 - Contact us through your preferred NRS call channel detailed on NRS call numbers and links
  • Step 2 - Provide the NRS with our phone number 03 9262 8444

For more information visit: About the National Relay Service

Notifying emergency services of your burn off

To ensure that the fire services are aware of your burn off, please give Triple Zero Victoria prior notification. Find out more on the "Register your burn-off" page.



Page last updated:  Tuesday, 25 March 2025 9:07:31 AM