Burning off grass, stubble, weeds, undergrowth or other vegetation is generally permitted outside the Fire Danger Period.

Local laws on burn-offs can apply year-round. Check with your local council before lighting up.
Before burning off, ensure:
- You're following regulations or laws by CFA and your local council.
- You notify your neighbours if your activity will generate fire and smoke.
- Check the weather forecast for the day of the activity and a few days afterwards.
- Establish a gap in vegetation or fire break with no less than three metres cleared of all flammable material.
- There are enough people to monitor, contain and extinguish the burn safely and effectively.
- You notify Triple Zero Victoria.
Unregistered burn-offs can cause brigades to be called out unnecessarily.
Register your burn-off
Notify Triple Zero Victoria of your planned burn:
Check CFAs Fire Permits page for information on permit requirements and application processes.
Page last updated: Friday, 8 November 2024 4:14:45 PM