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Students develop their knowledge of bushfire through an exploration of key topics including fire ecology, Aboriginal Cultural Burning, bushfire behaviour, bushfire hazards and bushfire risk. Students also develop skills for assessing local bushfire risks and reflect on their capacities for reducing risk in their own community.

Tuning In

This introductory module is designed to hook student engagement and activate prior learning. Teachers use a series of simple but powerful provocations that encourage students to tune into their existing knowledge, attitudes and values and make their current ways of seeing, thinking and feeling visible and audible.

Fire Ecology

In this module, students learn that here in Victoria, many of the plants and animals are not only able to survive fire, they depend on it for their existence.

Aboriginal Cultural Burning

In this module, students identify the many benefits of Aboriginal Cultural Burning and they develop an appreciation for the expansive knowledge and expertise of Cultural Burning practitioners both past and present.

Bushfire in the Landscape

In this module, students learn the basic fundamentals of bushfire behaviour. They identify how bushfires start and examine the influence of fuel, weather and terrain on fire intensity and rate of spread.

Bushfire Risk

In this module, students learn that while fire plays an important role in ecosystem health, it can also be a natural hazard that causes damage and harm to people, places and communities.



Page last updated:  Wednesday, 5 March 2025 3:12:10 PM