Australian Fire Danger Rating System Communications Kit

The way we determine and communicate Fire Danger Ratings has changed.

A new national Fire Danger Rating System has been developed using the latest science to be more accurate and relevant to where you live.

The new system will be used across Australia so whether you’re at home or travelling, you will see the same system being used.

Community feedback was used in the design process to help it make it easier to understand and to provide you with clearer advice about how to stay safe.

On this page:

  1. What are Fire Danger Ratings?
  2. What's Changed?
  3. Roadside Fire Danger Rating signs
  4. Assets and Copy
  5. Factsheet (English and other languages)
  6. Translated animation assets

This page is to help promote the change to the Fire Danger Rating system while it is introduced. We’ll continue to update this page with new resources to help promote the changes to the Fire Danger Rating system as they become available.


    What are Fire Danger Ratings?

      Fire Danger Ratings provide information so people in affected areas can take action to protect themselves and others. The higher the fire danger, the more dangerous the conditions and the greater the impact will be if a fire starts.

      Fire Danger Ratings will be issued on days when there is a fire risk.


      What's Changed?

        The new Fire Danger Rating system has four levels (instead of six).

        Each fire danger will have a clear set of messages including the actions the community can take to reduce their risk.

        FDR levels and actions 2022

        You’ll start seeing the new fire danger ratings online and in your local community from 1 September 2022.


        Roadside Fire Danger Rating signs

          Roadside FDR signs will start to be replaced and updated from 1 September 2022.

          The look and feel of the new signs will be the same in all states and territories across Australia.

          Prioritisation in Victoria will be given to those communities most at risk.


          Assets and Copy

            The following assets and copy have been developed to help community members understand the changes to the Fire Danger Rating system and better understand what each level means and what they need to do in response to the level when it is declared.

            Please use the assets and copy to share this important information with your community and throughout your networks.

            Please do not alter the copy text without approval from CFA.

            Asset Preview
            Title and Description (click to download)
             FDR - English video thumbnail

            A 1 minute and 43 second animation explaining Fire Danger Ratings (FDR), what they mean and what you should do (with captions).


            *This animation is also available in other languages here

            Fire Danger Ratings are your trigger to act. They tell you how dangerous a fire could be if one started. Check Fire Danger Ratings daily.

            The new Australian Fire Danger Ratings System has been in place since 1 September 2022.

            More information:

             FDR Explainer animation with captions feed 2022

            Short 25 second animation explaining Fire Danger Ratings (with captions) (MP4 14.4MB)

            Fire Danger Ratings tell you how dangerous a fire would be if one started and should be your prompt to take action:Make sure you check Fire Danger Ratings every day.

            Stay informed about Fire Danger Ratings by visiting
            The Fire Danger Rating System has changed animation 1min 44sec  (MP4 15.9MB

            The Fire Danger Rating system has changed. This short animation explains what you need to know about the new ratings.      

            Find out more

            FDR levels and actions 2022 New Fire Danger Rating levels and action information  (PNG 95.2KB)

            The Fire Danger Rating system has changed.

            There are now FOUR levels instead of six.

            The action you should take in response to each level has also been included to help you make the safest decisions on days when a bushfire can be most dangerous.

            Find out more

             New FDR cover photo The new Australian Fire Danger System is now in place (JPG 178KB) The new Australian Fire Danger Ratings system is now in place across Australia, so no matter where you are over the fire season you will see the same system used.

            Find out more

             FDR No rating Fire Danger Rating - No Rating (JPG 137.9KB)

            The new Australian Fire Danger Rating System provides information about daily fire risk all year round.

            It also includes information about the action you should take in response to the rating level.

            On No Rating days, no action is required because the risk of a dangerous fire is very low.

            Find out more

             Moderate FDR animation with captions feed 2022  Fire Danger Rating - Moderate 20 second animation with captions (MP4 14.8MB) The new Australian Fire Danger Rating System provides information about the action you should take in response to the rating level.

            On Moderate rated days, most fires can be controlled but you should still plan and prepare.

            Find out more

             FDR Moderate and action

            Fire Danger Rating - Moderate (JPG 168.9KB)

            The new Australian Fire Danger Rating System provides information about the action you should take in response to the rating level.

            On Moderate rated days, most fires can be controlled but you should still plan and prepare.

            Find out more

             High FDR animation with captions feed 2022  Fire Danger Rating - High 20 second animation with captions (MP4 17.5MB) The new Australian Fire Danger Rating System provides information about the action you should take in response to the rating level.

            On High rated days be ready to act, fires can be dangerous.

            Find out more

             FDR High and action Fire Danger Rating - High (JPG 169.3KB)

            The new Australian Fire Danger Rating System provides information about the action you should take in response to the rating level.

            On High rated days be ready to act, fires can be dangerous.

            Find out more

             Extreme FDR animation with captions feed 2022 Fire Danger Rating - Extreme 20 second animation (MP4 10MB)  The new Australian Fire Danger Rating System provides information about the action you should take in response to the rating level.

            On Extreme rated days take action to protect your life and property, fire will spread quickly and be extremely dangerous.

            Find out more

             FDR Extreme and action Fire Danger Rating - Extreme (JPG 217.7KB)

            The new Australian Fire Danger Rating System provides information about the action you should take in response to the rating level.

            On Extreme rated days take action to protect your life and property, fire will spread quickly and be extremely dangerous.

            Find out more

             Catastrophic FDR animation with captions feed 2022  Fire Danger Rating - Catastrophic 20 second animation with captions (MP4 22.3MB) The new Australian Fire Danger Rating System provides information about the action you should take in response to the rating level.

            On Catastrophic rated days leave bushfire risk areas early. If a fire starts and takes hold lives are likely to be lost.

            Find out more

             FDR Catastrophic and action Fire Danger Rating - Catastrophic (JPG 226.2KB)

            The new Australian Fire Danger Rating System provides information about the action you should take in response to the rating level.

            On Catastrophic rated days leave bushfire risk areas early. If a fire starts and takes hold lives are likely to be lost.

            Find out more



              The following factsheet has been developed to help community members understand the Fire Danger Ratings and better understand what each level of the Fire Danger Rating system means and what they need to do in response to the level when it is declared. 

              Some languages also have a map on the back to help people identify where they are located and what weather district they are in.

              Please use this factsheet to share this important information with your community and throughout your networks.

              The factsheet is available in English and 11 other languages.


              Factsheet Preview

              FDR English

              KYD English

               English (PDF 207.5KB)
               FDR First Nations Front  First Nations (PDF 1.1MB) 

              FDR Arabic

              KYD Arabic

               Arabic (PDF 258.5KB)

              FDR Chinese Simplified

              KYD Chinese Simplified

               Chinese Simplified (PDF 293KB)

              FDR Chinese Traditional

              KYD Chinese Traditional

               Chinese Traditional (PDF 347.2KB)
              FDR A5 Factsheet FRENCH thumbnail  French (PDF 1.3MB)
              FDR A5 Factsheet GERMAN thumbnail  German (PDF 1.3MB)
              FDR A5 Factsheet GREEK thumbnail  Greek (PDF 1.3MB)

               FDR Haka Chin

              KYD Hakha Chin

              Hakha Chin (PDF 194.5KB)

              FDR Hazaragi

              KYD Hazaragi

              Hazaragi (PDF 251.8KB)

              FDR Hindi

              KYD Hindi

              Hindi (PDF 226.8KB)
              FDR A5 Factsheet ITALIAN thumbnail Italian  (PDF 1.3MB)

              FDR Karen

              KYD Karen

               Karen (PDF 295.3KB)
              FDR A5 Factsheet KOREAN thumbnail  Korean (PDF 1.3MB) 

              FDR Malay

              KYD Malay

               Malay (PDF 193.2KB)

              FDR Nepali

              KYD Nepali

               Nepali (PDF 232.6KB)

              FDR Punjabi

              KYD Punjabi

               Punjabi (PDF 236.6KB)
              FDR A5 Factsheet SPANISH thumbnail  Spanish (PDF 1.3MB) 

              FDR Urdu

              KYD Urdu

               Urdu (PDF 244KB)

              FDR Vietnamese

              KYD Vietnamese

               Vietnamese (PDF 310.2KB)


              Translated Animation Assets

                Four animations have been developed to help community members understand the changes to the Fire Danger Rating system, better understand what each level means and what they need to do in response to the level when it is declared.

                The four animations available are:

                1. Full length animation highlighting the changes, what each level means and what action should be taken at each level. 
                2. Short animation highlighting the changes and what Fire Danger Ratings mean.
                3. Short animation highlighting what the colours mean.
                4. Short animation highlighting what action to take in response to each level of Fire Danger Rating.

                Please use these animations to share this important information with your community and throughout your networks.

                The animation are available the following 12 languages:

                Cantonese (Chinese Traditional)






                   Fire Danger Ratings Animation (with captions)

                  More information

                  For more information about the Australian Fire Danger Rating System visit the AFDRS  or CFA website.



                  Page last updated:  Monday, 24 June 2024 1:09:35 PM