VEMTC Campus Booking Procedure


The objective of this Procedure is to ensure the efficient booking and administration of training activities at CFA operated VEMTC Training Campuses and provides a consistent approach to bookings and administration processes for CFA Regions, Districts, Brigade/Groups, Government Departments, Corporate Departments, external agencies, and organisations.

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Booking Procedure


Bookings of all training activities at CFA Operated VEMTC Training Campuses should be made using the relevant VEMTC Training Campus Course Application form, which can be found at the bottom of this page or by contacting

Bookings should be made in accordance with:

  • Owners of the Course, i.e.: the person with authority to approve the booking and for meeting costs associated with running the course/activity; or
  • A Coordinator Learning & Development responsible for co-ordinating the course and liaising with VEMTC Admin regarding the administration and delivery of the course.

Bookings should not be made directly with the Campus by individual Brigades and Groups. Brigades and Groups which contact a Campus to book a training program should be referred to their District/Regional Training Team.

All clients may apply to use the Training Campus at any time throughout the year with the exclusion of Public Holidays and Campus closure dates.

Clients/Users of the Campus should complete a Booking Form & proposed Drill list for each proposed activity at the Campus and return the Booking Form and drill list to VEMTC Admin.

  • a minimum of four weeks prior to the date of the booking.

Short notice bookings can be accepted with approval from the PAD Supervisor and subject to campus, staff, and equipment availability.

All bookings should identify requirements for the use of Campus resources, including PAD areas, classrooms, appliances, and equipment, support staff, catering, and support requirements.

Following receipt of a Booking Request VEMTC Admin will create a Campus Training Calendar Entry for the request which will identify to the PAD Supervisor that the booking has been placed. The PAD Supervisor will advise VEMTC Admin as soon as possible if the booking is not accepted at campus and provide reasons.

Where the Campus and its resources are not available on a requested date the VEMTC Admin team should liaise with the client/user to determine a mutually agreed alternate date which can be provided.

Where the Campus and its resources have multiple Booking Requests on a requested date the District Training Team/s in conjunction with the ACFO Training & Delivery will determine what booking is to take priority.

Internal Bookings

An email advice will be sent to the Coordinator / Booking contact 3 weeks prior to the booking date with the date of booking, booking name and any outstanding information. It is the receiver’s responsibility to check all information previously supplied via viewing access to the Campus Booking calendar. Should there be no outstanding information required – the booking is deemed confirmed.

Should the district not provide outstanding information within 1 week of the booking – the booking may be cancelled at VEMTC discretion.


External Bookings

An email advice will be sent to the Booking contact 3 weeks prior to the booking date with all information pertaining to the booking. It is the receiver’s responsibility to check all information previously supplied Should there be no outstanding information required – the booking is deemed confirmed. Should the contact not provide outstanding information within 1 week of the booking – the booking may be cancelled at CFA Discretion.

A copy of this advice will be saved on the booking calendar entry.

The PAD Supervisor and VEMTC Admin should be provided with full details of a program two weeks prior to the date of the program; including:

  • the numbers and names of participants, Instructors/Trainers (Endorsed), Instructors/Trainers (Non-endorsed) and support staff; and
  • the final Syllabus and Drill List; and
  • any special requirements, including dietary, medical etc;

Failure to provide these details at least one week from the course date may cause the booking to be cancelled.



Course Application Guide


These instructions outline the procedure for completing the Course Application form



  • Enter the name of the organisation (Brigade/Organisation)

Course Details/Preferences

Requested date/s

  • Enter the required dates for your course
  • Enter the number of days your proposed course will run

Arrive time

  • Enter the arrival time for your course

Depart time

  • Enter the conclusion time of your course

Number of students

  • Enter the number of students attending this course

Number of training syndicates

  • Enter the number of training syndicates proposed for this course

Number of support staff

  • Enter the total number of support staff attached to this course

Number of Instructors from Area/Region Department

  • If your Area/Region Department is to provide instructor/s, please enter the total number in the space provided. Please remember that student-instructor ratio must be observed
  • All instructors must be district and pad endorsed

Course Information


  • Enter the title of the course

Drill List

The provision of a drill list at the time you lodge your request for a booking is preferred. Please indicate whether a drill list is attached or not, by making the relevant selection.

Brigade/Organisation Contact

  • Identify the name and contact details of the person to whom all further contact regarding the course should be directed


  • CFA courses are to be authorised by the relevant L&D Coordinator or Manager L&D, by emailing the application form to your District Office
  • Non-CFA courses should be authorised by the appropriate deleted person, then emailed to
  • If this section has not been completed or does not have the correct approval, the application is not authorised and therefore cannot be processed.

Campus Facilities Required

  • Tick the appropriate box and enter the quantity (if relevant) for the resources required


Campus Course Application


Select the relevant campus, complete the form details and return to






Page last updated:  Monday, 7 October 2024 3:10:17 PM