Bushfire in the Landscape

In this module, students learn the basic fundamentals of bushfire behaviour. They identify how bushfires start and examine the influence of fuel, weather and terrain on fire intensity and rate of spread.

Students also make predictions about how a bushfire will behave in a particular place, under particular weather conditions. This learning enables students to think critically about the impacts of bushfires on people, places and communities and is therefore an essential precursor to learning about bushfire hazards and risks.

Cover Title and information

1. The fire triangle (pptx 3.9MB)

Students are introduced to the three elements of the fire triangle (fuel, oxygen and heat). They identify which element is being removed in a range of fire response strategies.


2. How do bushfires start? (pptx 747.8KB)

Students investigate human (accidental and deliberate) and natural causes of bushfire ignition and investigate strategies for preventing accidental ignitions.


3. How do bushfires spread? (pptx 1.6MB)

Students examine how bushfires spread through the landscape (direct flame contact, radiant heat and embers). They are also introduced to the three main elements that influence bushfire spread (fuel, weather, topography).


4. Fuel (pptx 28.5MB)

Students examine the influence of vegetation type, fuel size, arrangement, quantity, and moisture on bushfire behaviour in the landscape.


5. Weather (pptx 618.4KB)

Students examine the influence of temperature, wind, humidity, and rainfall on bushfire behaviour in the landscape.


6. Topography (pptx 1MB)

Students examine the influence of topography (slope and aspect) on bushfire behaviour in the landscape.


7. What have we learned? Quiz (pptx 72.6KB)

A quiz to test students knowledge on what they have learned during the Bushfire behaviour in the landscape module.


Bushfire fuels treasure hunt worksheet (docx 2.8MB)

A worksheet to complement the bushfire fuels section.


Fire Danger Ratings (pptx 449.6KB)

Slides depicting the updated Australian Fire Dangers Rating System.


Weather worksheets (docx 140.4KB)

Worksheets to complement the activities in the Weather section.



Page last updated:  Thursday, 17 October 2024 1:14:04 PM